How to Support a Child with Anxiety 

How to Support a Child with Anxiety 

Having a child who is struggling with anxiety can be extremely difficult. Not only can it be difficult to determine when a child is feeling anxious, but they are also not very self-aware of their emotions as their cognitive ability is limited.

Children can have a hard time expressing themselves, and this can be made even more difficult if they cannot quite pinpoint what the issue is.

If your child is suffering from anxiety, learn how to support them so they can feel safe. 

This piece is going to take a look at how you can do that, so read on to find out more. 

How Do You Know If Your Child Has Anxiety?

Anxiety presents in all shapes and sizes, and there is not a one size fits all to its symptoms. However, you will find some symptoms more common than others. Some of these can include but are not limited to excessive sweating, trouble sleeping, unusually quiet, outbursts of anger and upset, clinginess and heavy attachment, and not eating properly. 

If you notice these issues in your child, it is a sign that they are struggling with something, which could be anxiety, and this isn’t something that should be ignored.

Make Reasonable Accommodations

If you understand what makes your child anxious or creates issues for them, then it can be helpful if you make accommodations for them, along with other primary caregivers. 

For example, if your child gets nervous going to the dentist, then choose a special pediatric dentist Asheville for any routine appointments, so they have someone that understands their fears and knows how to treat them. 

They will also have expert knowledge in dental care for children and their development, so your child will get the best care available.

Be Kind And Empathetic 

Try and put yourself in your children’s shoes to gain some understanding of their situation. 

Children have little autonomy over their lives, which can rightly cause anxiety. For example, it can be overwhelming when you have to go somewhere that you have no choice in whether you go to, or what is being put into your mouth, or when you have to sleep. Anxiety can create a real barrier for everyday life issues, which can affect their quality of life. Having an adult that tries to understand that instead of becoming frustrated or cross at them at least lets them know they have a safe space and that they are heard. 

Speak To A Specialist 

If you suspect your child is struggling with anxiety and it is stopping them from being able to do their daily activities or essential appointments, then speaking to a specialist could help. They should be able to recommend suitable treatments for both your little one and offer you support to help support them.

There are many professionals in different fields that understand how to treat children with anxiety, and taking that extra step to find them could make a world of difference to your child and how they experience the world.