If you take a look across the internet at ways in which you can save money on products you buy then you’ll find a whole host of coupon sites and blogs with hot tips which can hep you to do just that. Another type of promotion which you may also run into is a cashback website such as Cashback World. These websites give you a great opportunity to save big on your purchases, but many people aren’t sure how it works or to how to make the most out of it. For that reason here is a quick guide as to what cashback is, and how you can benefit.
Cashback Explained
The basic principles of cashback is that you find a product with an offer of a certain percentage of money back when you buy it, let’s assume that it is a shampoo which costs $10. You will go to the store, either online or a physical store and buy the product for $10. You will then go to the cashback website, show proof of purchase and you will get the promised percentage back on it. If the percentage of cashback was 20%, you’ll get $2 back on your purchase. Each cahback site has different offers for you to take advantage of.
How to do it
Let’s assume that Cashback World is your website of choice, you will sign up to the site and pay a small annual membership fee. This fee is what will give you access to the exclusive offers which the website is giving you. Take a look through the products which have cashback available on them, decide whether or not you wish to buy them, and then claim your cash back. Sometimes these will be online offers which will feature a direct link to buy the product, once purchased you will be taken back to the cashback site to claim your money. If you buy a product in a store then you can simply upload your receipt and get that moneyback.
The Catch
Many people think that there must be a catch here but there really isn’t, the prices are not inflated and contrary to what many think, you get actual cash back into your account. The credited amount doesn’t come in coupons or in credits which can be used on something, you will get cold, hard cash into your account which you can then withdraw to your bank account. The membership fee which you pay will pay for itself after the purchase of just a few products, so that isn’t anything to worry about either.
The beauty of using these websites is that they offer promotions on products which you are likely to buy anyway, if you are not taking advantage of these promotions then you could be losing out and paying full price for these things when you don’t need to. Why not give it a try the next time you are doing the grocery shop!