If you take a look across the internet at ways in which you can save money on products you buy then you’ll find a whole host of coupon sites and blogs with hot tips which can hep you to do just that. Another type of promotion...
Author - Lena
Duke university has once again had the spotlight on it since the rise of the incredible Zion Williamson, the freshmen who was the number one NBA draft pick this year. Carter Boyle Duke basketball player watched the rise of Zion...
Getting a place at the AMDA College and Conservatory of the Performing Arts is no mean feat and when I received my acceptance letter it was without doubt one of the best days of my life. This is a college which has been shaping...
Summer is just around the corner! Ok, ok, summer is still months away but can you blame me for getting ahead of myself? Summertime means sunshine, late nights and of course, lots and lots of BBQs. There is nothing better than a...
Dr. David Crawford is a man who I admire greatly and he is someone who’s talks and speeches I am always keen to watch. Dr. Crawford talks abut a wide range of subjects but one area which he focuses on quite a lot is that of...
Up until I met marketing guru Bharat Bhise my social media ad campaigns were not getting the traction which I had hoped for, and I had been trying for a long time to work out where I was going wrong. Bharat had been a friend of...